Science on high intensity interval training: HIIT, or SHIIT?


Is it healthful?

Let me pose you a question: would you rather go down to the video store (if it hasn’t yet gone bankrupt) to hire a DVD, or stream it from the comfort of your own home?  You’ve probably answered: the comfort of your own home, unless of course you get all nostalgic about walking down the street to hire discs. I know I do!

Okay, okay, now let me pose you a further question: would you rather spend one hour exercising, or 30 minutes?  Stop, don’t answer that just yet. What if I were to say that both workouts would give you equivalent results? Unless you’re a time wasting enthusiast, pain junky, or DOMS devotee you’re probably going to answer 30 minutes.  Well a new (old) exercise regiment known as  high intensity interval training (HIIT) is offering just that.

Yes, if you believe one of the internet’s many great fitness prophets…

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