DOMS for dummies: the top five scientific muscle soreness cures!


Is it healthful?

You walk into the office and are faced with a flight of stairs. Normally you would ascend those stairs with ease and a certain amount of grace.  But not today. No, yesterday was leg day and you climb those stairs like a drunken elephant on rollerblades. You are experiencing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and you are experiencing it bad.  Is there anything you can do about it? Yes. Yes there is. So, without further ado here are the top five science based cures for DOMS.


What doesn’t work:

I lied, a bit of ado first. Stretching (see my other blog), ultrasound therapy, fish oil supplementation and magnet therapy have all been shown to have no effect on DOMS (8, 9, 11). Protein supplementation appears to improve muscle mass gains in the short-term, but sadly it has no apparent effects on muscle soreness (10). Rats.


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2 thoughts on “DOMS for dummies: the top five scientific muscle soreness cures!

  1. Great article dealing with the realities of post workout soreness. I have found that Glutamine also assists in reduced muscle soreness (as well as increasing protein metabolism). Since it aides in reducing catabolic activity of the muscle, less waste product is created. This along with foam rolling (post workout) would probably be a great combo. Just my opinion.

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