To joe, or not to joe? The science surrounding coffee.

coffee, Fitness, Health, nutrition, wellness

Is it healthful?

As I finish what will be my last sip of coffee for the day I feel nearlysuperhuman. I’m happier, my productivity is at a Ryan Seacrest like levels (apparently the man is quite productive) and heck, if the New York City marathon were held today I’m pretty confident that I would win, easily. Yes, coffee truly is the nectar of the Gods. But – very big but(t) – is it actually good for me? Or is my three a day routine a recipe for an early death? Science, take it away:


The Good:

Exercise and fat burning:

Drinking coffee one hour before endurance exercise improves times by approximately 5% and this leads to the preferential burning of fat as an exercise fuel (1). It’s uncertain though whether coffee actually aids in fat-loss. Looking good so far, coffee.

Blood pressure, cholesterol and cardiovascular health:

Anti-coffee people, AKA tea drinkers…

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