
Is it Healthful analyses the latest health research to determine if a product or service is healthful (helpful), or unhealthful (unhelpful). Presented in a fun easy to read manner, this blog aims to help you the consumer save your money for the products/services that work.

Is it Healthful’s author holds a Doctor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Exercise Science (biochemistry and nutrition majors) and is a qualified personal trainer. With extensive research and clinical experience, rest assured the answers you’re getting are reliable.

I hope this page is healthful.

94 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi!

    Thanks so much for following my blog. 🙂
    If you need any feedback on products let me know.
    I use A LOT of supplements for my transformation training. (All natural, and prescribed by my naturopath.)

    Love and light!

    Liked by 1 person

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